After Years of Entrepreneurial Experience, Ian Mazzola Learned the Secret to Success was Having A Lot of Capital. He Made it His Goal to Help Other Small Businesses With This Problem.

Finances, businesses, loans, and everything in between is a lot to think about when it comes to starting your own business. Many people do not have time to process all of those things while still being able to successfully run their business or even worry about it as an individual...

Meet Julianne Vaccaro: The Somatic Sexologist, Erotic Blueprint Master Coach, and Women’s Spiritual Mentor That Can Help You Feel & Heal

Julianne Vaccaro is a somatic sexologist, spiritual mentor, and holistic women's health and life coach. She is in charge of supporting and helping women who have a purpose to heal themselves, awaken their femininity, and work on their bodies to have a full life full of freedom and pleasure. Throughout...