In a world where ancient wisdom seamlessly converges with modern innovation, OYA New Earth emerges as an extraordinary sanctuary dedicated to the holistic well-being of individuals, communities, and the environment. Founded by Michella and Mayan Metzler, OYA New Earth is a global network of luxury estates facilitating transformative experiences for...
Amber Shaw Knows What it is Like To Not Feel Comfortable in Your Own Body: Today, She is Helping Empower Women Over 40 as a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Social media is full of influencers offering tips on how to live healthy lifestyles. But wouldn’t it be better to seek advice from an expert in nutrition and fitness who can help with a personalized plan to achieve healthy goals? Amber Shaw grew up in Daytona Beach, Florida. Today she...
Pascal Bachmann on Making a Positive Impact and Teaching Through Experience
After years of having friends and business associates come to him for advice in their financial, personal, and relationship lives, Pascal Bachmann finally realized his true gift: coaching others. Since this realization, he’s pursued his own coaching career and businesses, giving him the opportunity to focus on empowering and educating...