Melik Monal came from a very humble background. He went quickly from a low income background to making millions of dollars and building himself an amazing portfolio.
“I was born and raised in Belle glade Fl in a poverty stricken town where financial literacy was nonexistent. I started off picking blueberries in hot Hammonton, New Jersey. From these humble beginnings, I was able to build several multi million dollar companies while creating a platform to help people like yourself obtain financial freedom,” Melik recounts.
Melik runs a chain of financial firms in ten different locations offering financial services. He was inspired to get into this business by watching his parents struggle with their own finances as immigrants coming to the United States. He wanted a better life for him and his family while being able to help people along the way.
“My why will forever be my beautiful daughter Mia-Amora Monal and also watching my parents (immigrants) from Haiti struggle just to provide for our family. In addition, my passion to help others also inspired me. I knew the only way I could help more people is to put myself in a better position to do so and watching my parents struggle gave me the will and determination and having my daughter only pushed me even further,” Melik says.
Like many others, Melik grew up in a town where financial literacy was not a part of the vocabulary for the average person. His goal is to change the way that people look and think about wealth as a whole. This is the definition of success for Melik. He also created the financial freedom Hacks course To teach others how he was able to leverage the system . The FinancialfreedomHacks course Which focuses on building your personal and business credit and multiple streams of income to gain generational wealth. They do it yourself credit repair e-book guide has helped thousands of people regain their financial stability purchase yours today !!
“Growing up In Belle glade, Fl financial literacy was scarce. I want to inspire and help as many people as possible to become financially free, and to show our youth that there are so many different routes you can take to become successful or financially free by changing the dynamics of how we as people look at wealth. Success means everything to me just as important as breathing. I gauge my success on how many people I have helped succeed throughout my lifetime thats true success for me,” Melik states.
Melik has just written a book detailing his years of experience and all that he has learned and accomplished from them. It will be published in March . The book is full of amazing tips and tricks to help people with their own finances and to build multiple streams of income. The most informative financial freedom book yet !
“My book has over 10 years of personal experiences. The pandemic amplified The reason for why I am writing this book. We live in a systematic country where everyone thinks the government will bail them out due to this pandemic and people have really seen how easy it can be to lose it all living paycheck to paycheck and not building multiple streams of income. My book is like no other, not only is my book going to motivate my readers, but I am also going to show them step-by-step on how easy it can be to become financially free, and the only thing that’s in their way is themselves,” Melik comments.
Some of the things that readers can expect to find in the book to help them on their financial journey: Building business and personal credit, building cash flow, knowing the difference from an asset and liability, Understanding how important taxes and draft are and how to build generational wealth.
in addition he’s created a course “financial freedom Hacks”
Which focuses on
1.How to build Business and personal credit.
2. How to build a seven-figure tax business
3.How to create a seven-figure real estate portfolio
4.Building a a e-commerce business (Amazon)
5. How to build a restaurant from ground up
A book created to inform my readers on how to think and build like the rich
To find out more about Melik and his book, you can check him out on instagram and get his book here.