Pictures, as the saying goes, is worth a thousand words. However, for many people enjoying a night out, pictures are not always what you think of. When you are caught up in the moment, it can be hard to remember to take that perfect picture to remember a night with...
Social Hubb, By D’Andre Moorefield, is the Digital Photo Booth Rental Company Based in Texas That is Taking Over Many Events in the United States
Social Hubb is a digital photo booth rental company based in Texas, which has become an industry leader in photo booth technology and entertainment solutions since its inception in 2019. They serve customers across the United States, delivering tailored and memorable experiences through partnerships with event planners, bar industry establishments,...
D’Andre Moorefield’s Social Hubb Launches “The iHubb”, The World’s First Robotic Photobooth
Photos are an integral part of any life story. They paint a picture that words and even other physical manifestations of art can’t always do justice. They are an incredible way to capture both a moment and a story at the same time. When many years have passed, we often...