Dr. Taylor Moore Struggled With Her Finances. It Made Her Think About How Many People In Her Life Could Use The Help, So She Created A Business Out Of It
Credit is, among many other things, one of the most important aspects to having a successful life. In general, all of us are not properly educated in finances, that is to say, our financial education can be a little deficient, which leads to our credit not being the most adequate. To improve our credit situation, it is advisable to go to people who know about the subject, and especially to those people who have tried their methods themselves and can demonstrate their effectiveness. Dr. Taylor J. Mckelphin Moore, born in Chicago, IL, is a professional female clinical forensic psychologist and financial education consultant who helps people to empower themselves mentally and financially by providing the tools necessary to move forward and achieve their goals.
Today, she runs a financial education company that helps with credit restoration and credit building services. What led her to enter this industry was that she was once denied a mortgage loan due to lack of credit, which made her realize just how little we all know about the world of credit.
Having lived that experience allowed her to realize that many people need help in building their credit in addition to not having the knowledge or foundation necessary to build finances, which motivated her to help educate others.
Dr. Moore differs from others by her integrity and the quality of care provided.
Financial freedom is something that many people struggle with every day of their lives. For some it is related to success and it is established as being able to do many things without worrying about money. For Dr. Taylor J. Mckelphin Moore, it is different because she believes financial freedom has another meaning.
Dr. Taylor J. Mckelphin Moore has many plans in the upcoming months as she continues to grow and help others along the way. She gives us a sneak peak into what she has planned.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Taylor J. Mckelphin Moore, click here.