Akevia Kicks Knew What It Was Like To Struggle With Bad Credit, So She Made It A Point To Ensure That Others Did Not Have To Go Through The Same Thing And Began Her Credit Repair Business
Akevia Hicks knows what it is like to have bad credit. Her credit was down in the four hundreds and she had very few options. She turned to two businesses to help her with her credit and not much changed. That is when she decided that to truly help others with their credit, she had to do it herself.
Akevia was able to find her first client on instagram. Unlike many of us, Akevia’s degree came in handy to help make her business a reality. Thanks to her degree in economics, she was able to help people who were in a difficult financial situation like herself.
Despite her success, there were still many struggles to get over as Akevia began her business. Akevia wanted everything to be perfect as many businesses do, but not everything always went according to plan, so she had to often adjust.
Akevia has taken these lessons and offers them as a piece of advice for people beginning their own business and to continue on with your dreams with the right mindset, and anything is possible with those two things.
To find out more about Akevia, you can follow her on instagram here and check out her website here.